Mis-en-scene research What is mis-en-scene? A gathering of different aspects of frame that are put together to create a scene. These aspects include; Setting : The features within the frame that function to depict space, place, and time period. The setting in my opening sequence can be established with a long shot of a room or the streets of a city. It provides the audience an understanding of where the film is going to take place and what possible events can happen. Props : those objects within the setting that function within the ongoing action for example a cork board, this prop is used to show the murderers plan of who he is going to murder next. It adapts to the stereotypical conventions of a murder film. Costume and Make-Up: The clothing and attire of characters says a lot about the characters they are playing. Costume and make-up can express character situation or mood. For example, in my opening sequence, I will strive to use costume In order to create con...