
Showing posts from November, 2018

AO3 & AO4 Location Recces


Location Map

Location Map -Dubai •     DUBAI STREETS- the streets of the city is able to create ambiguity towards the main character in which the audience is trying to figure out who it is. It also establishes the setting and the city that the film is taking place in. •     ALLEYWAY OF LAKES COMPOUND- the alleyway emphasizes the danger and creates an uncomfortable mood because alleyways often connote to danger and illegal activities. They also create a sense of claustrophobia that portrays the characters as ‘trapped’ and reflects that feeling of confinement through to the audience, allowing them to empathise. •     BROKEN WALLS IN ROOM OF ABANDONED HOUSE IN LAKES- this could imply that something will happen   or had happened that created destruction in the film. It creates a sense of unease and tension due to the chaos it portrays. •     KEMPINSKI MALL OF THE EMIRATES HOTEL- this is mainly included to portray the ...

A03 Story boards


Talent release form


AO3 Shot list


AO3 Script

INT. SKETCHY ROOM - NIGHT LADY G dramatically murdered in the middle of a sketchy room. Blood splattered all over her brown fur coat. She is wearing an intense shade of red lipstick. LADY G wears a tight black dress with a brown fur coat, high heels, red nail polish and a tattoo is visible on her ankle. Her whole entire body is shown on camera lying on the floor, expressionless, visibly lifeless. Black screen. INT. HALLWAY IN AN OFFICE - MORNING ROY walks down a corridor, picks up a black case, the tattoo of a full stop is shown on his wrist. ROY's footsteps are echoed as he walks down the hallway. ROY is sporting a pair of worn out blue jeans and a black hoodie and some old white trainers. Black screen. EXT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT ROY walks suspiciously down an alleyway. It is dark and we cannot see where he is going. Only light is from a small light bulb in the alleyway. ROY wears a black hoodie and black pants, his face is not visible. EXT. IN FRONT OF A ...

AO3 Opening sequence pitch


AO2 & AO4 Cinematography Research
